Noeon Research
Noeon Research
Noeon Research is an R&D company designing a technology that is general and universal enough to automate tasks solved by junior- and mid-level software engineers.
Noeon Research focuses on the automatisation of code synthesis and analysis using a hybrid approach. Our solution incorporates the ability to process a large amount of data from Machine Learning as well as the ability to have a strong inductive bias by efficient prior knowledge encoding.
To surpass the conventional approach, Noeon Research aims to develop a new one that is less specialised, capable of extending its functionality, scalable, and able to learn on the fly.
Our Values
Explicit Better than Implicit
If there is something to say, it will be said directly but tactfully, even if it might be unpleasant for someone. This value is crucial for providing honest feedback and learning from one's mistakes.
Moving Fast
AI development has accelerated. For us, moving fast means prioritising high-value, strategically important tasks over interesting or clear ones.
Cohesion is when a colleague transfers their responsibility, knowledge and work outcomes to someone who is ready to take over it and only when this person is ready. It takes significant effort to achieve cohesion, but it is a competitive advantage for small companies.
Join Our Team
We are looking for specialists for full-time employment or for part-time collaboration
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Ukraine support
The battle in Ukraine is the battle between people who want to bring back the good old days and people who want to build a new exciting future. We sided with the future. We support Ukraine on its way to be a modern European country and are grateful to its allies for their help.
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Midtown Tower 18F, 9-7-1 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan